This course week is the last one and the shortest as well. I need
more time to finish all tasks this week even though they are just reflections.
I have been very busy this week, finalizing my “other studies“ to create a short educational film in
Windows Live Movie Maker. I spent my “course“ time working on the final presentation so I have
not had enough time for my posts. So I am posting now to meet the
requirements, but I am going to update this post later to make it clearer.
There have been several topics during our course I find
very successful, but personally I enjoyed ABCD model for objectives,
Autonomous Learner, Project-based learning, social bookmarking or Assessment Rubrics. The most useful for me were the rubrics.
I am convinced I would use all of the tools, however different ones in different
classes matching the needs and solving
issues of students.
Now, I cannot think of anything irrelevant we learned
in this course, but I am quite under time pressure now so I will write
about it later.
Tools that might have been introduced are Moodle or Edmodo. There are definitely more tools out
there but it is impossible to explore them all.