Thursday, 6 June 2013

Week 10

This course week is the last one and the shortest as well. I need more time to finish all tasks this week even though they are just reflections.

I have been very busy this week, finalizing my other studies“  to create a short educational film in Windows Live Movie Maker. I spent my “course“  time working on the final presentation so I have not had enough time for my posts. So I am posting now to meet the requirements, but I am going to update this post later to make it clearer. 

There have been several topics during our course I find very successful, but personally I enjoyed ABCD model for objectives, Autonomous Learner, Project-based learning, social bookmarking or Assessment Rubrics.  The most useful for me were the rubrics.

I am convinced I would use all of the tools, however  different ones in different classes matching the needs  and solving issues of students.

Now, I cannot think of anything irrelevant we learned in this course, but I am quite under time pressure now so I will write about it later.

Tools that might have been introduced are Moodle or  Edmodo. There are definitely more tools out there but it is impossible to explore them all.


  1. Hello Monika,

    First of all, I would like to tell you that your checking and giving feedback to my Project Plan made a difference in the final product. Thank you so much!

    I agree with you that rubrics are really useful. I enjoyed reviewing the ABCD method for lesson planning as well. However, I liked Webquests the most, I find them very useful at all levels.

    I will check out Moodle, I know nothing about it!

    It has been a pleasure to have you as my classmate, and I hope that we can keep in touch through Facebook. My Facebook name is RosmeryCBA and I am wearing a white blouse on my profile picture.

    Thanks again for everything,

    Rosmery from Bolivia.

  2. Hello Monika,

    When writing my own blog post, I couldn't come up with anything that I wish we had studied on this course. Most of the tools we explored were new for me and I realize now that I didn't know much about using technology in the classroom. Therefore, thank you for mentioning Moodle and Edmodo in your post. I've never heard of them and I will definitely check them out.


  3. Hello Monika,

    You are right--it is impossible to explore even a small fraction of the technology tools available for teachers. It is very difficult to determine with ones to include in this course.

    I thank you for your wonderful participation in this course, and I wish you the very, very best in all you do.

    A giant hug to you!



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