Sunday, 28 April 2013

Week 4 - Reflections

This week has been focused on reading and writing skills. Since I knew I would not have enough time for doing tasks this week, I tried to do all necessary on Monday.

Now, everything I remember is that I was eager to browse recommended websites and read articles because they were about using ebooks and I am a real bookworm. The other issue I usually face are writing assignments and that is why I found the article about how to use web sources to teach writing very useful.

The second part of this week to do the project task#3 and lesson plan was a real challenge due to my worse health condition. I am on a sick leave and cannot concentrate on doing anything owing to being stuck to bed, treated by heavy analgetics to reduce the pain caused by a disc bulge in my neck spine. I hardly move and suffer from such a pain that I could not enjoy the assignments for this week.

I do not remember what I have done this week :-(

A couple of minutes ago, I collected myself and created a lesson plan on word formation with the use of IWB, online resources and own exercise created in Hot Potatoes. 

The problem I would like to solve within the Project task #3 I already described in my reflections of week 2 and it is to teach my students to prepare for lessons regularly to be able to participate in the lesson and speak. They are very nice students, but very lazy. Using blogs as their "online" diary and exercise books seems a great choice. They have already started and of course, it takes time to change their habits. 

I will write more when I feel better. Hopefully, I have done all that was required.



  1. Hey Monika,

    I am really sorry that you are not feeling well. I wish you a quick recovery. Without any doubt this can badly affect your activities.
    I totally share your view according to the students' laziness. But don't worry because it is general. I have the same problem and when I read our colleagues project task this afternoon I found that it is an epidemic. However we have to do our best to help them. It's a big challenge but as teachers we must be confident. H.L. Mencken said that 'for every complicated problem there is an answer that is short, simple, and wrong.' I think what we have to do is to motivate our students. It's not easy but it feasible. I like H. Douglas Brown's quote in his 'Teaching by principles' 'Motivation is the difference between success and failure. If they're motivated, they'll learn, and if not, they won't.' That's why I am optimistic and I think we have to be more diligent to overcome this obstacle.

    Best regards and quick recovery

    From Elias

  2. Hi Elias,

    thank you very much for your care. I feel a bit better, I do not hurt so much now but still I am a bit confused and tired due to the treatment.



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