Monday, 29 April 2013

Week 5 - The Sunrise

The week 5 has already started, however, I promised myself to finish correcting all matricular and state exam  writing assignments  that were due today and tomorrow. "Fortunately," since I am on a sick leave, I could somehow manage and now I can focus on tasks of this week.

The Sunrise
The weather is improving, so is my health thanks to some medicaments :-) The sun was shining today and it is going to be 29 degrees Celsius in Bratislava tomorrow! The summer has just arrived.

Even though I promised myself not to look at Nicenet or course website, I could not help it and of course, I did. Donna has posted some posts so I was curious who has had time to do some tasks today. You may guess :-)  Marga, Khadija and Tuula :-) Great job, girls! I am going to join you either tomorrow or on Wednesday. 

After having read the post about extra credit, I am convinced I cannot stand behind and as soon as it is possible I am going to go for it. I love this kind of competition that increases my internal motivation to become a better teacher. 

The dawn above the Hot Water Beach, Whitianga, New Zealand

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